Sunday, June 30, 2013

Bloglovin and InstaAddicts Anonymous!

Long time, no blog.

So I’m ridiculously slightly addicted to Instagram. I don't know why it took me so long to join! I joined in on #teachertalktuesday and this girl was HOOKED. It’s so much fun to see my favorite bloggers in a more personal light. If you haven’t joined up yet, what are you waiting for?! You know you need something else that you constantly check like FB and email. Haha!

 You can follow me here:

Some of my pics:

Haha!  Proof that I love my dog, the beach, hot men, drinks, and my Daddy..

Also, the end of Google Reader is just an hour away.  I will be honest and tell you that I used GR probably once, but all you bloggers have me a little freaked out!  So I joined in on the Bloglovin.  I mean, really, blogs and love.  Why not?!

Have a fabulous day!


  1. I'm your newest fellow TN follower. Found you in the TN blog list on fifth in the middle. Come check out my blog!

    Second Grade Perks

    1. Wow, how did I miss this? Hi Heather! It's awesome to meet another TN blogger. Off to visit your blog now!

  2. I just joined Instagram! I think I am going to like it! I am a new follower on Bloglovin'!

    A Tender Teacher for Special Needs

    1. Haha Tasha! You are going to be addicted too! I'm headed to visit your blog!

  3. I got the sweetest package in the mail today! O-M-G at the 3 bags of Chex Mix! Those babies are going up to school in my 'secret stash' drawer--hehe! I sure do appreciate the pens, notepads, and sweet card, too! Thank you so very much :)

    Oh, and your box was wayyyy cuter than mine lol. I guess you could tell I spent more time on what was inside rather than the outside lol! You should be getting yours this week, too!

    Preslar's Place


Thank you for taking the time to comment! Hugs!